Domain Name Registration UK
Deciding on and registering a Domain Name
Every person that hopes to implement a web presence, or trade online using E-Commerce, requires a domain name. A domain name identifies your business and reinforces it's branding, much as your company name and corporate identity do.Your domain name also acts as a utility to allow surfers to locate your company's Web site.
Don't delay - someone else will register your domain name!
Domain names are unique, and because of this, many names are already taken, with thousands more domain names being registered every day. If you have a good idea for a domain name, you should fill out the domain name registration form right now, while there is a chance that it is still available. I once spotted that was available, which I considered, at the time, to be an ideal domain name for my company. Unfortunately, by the time that I went down to my jacket to pick up my credit card and make myself a cup of tea, someone else had snapped up the name. The annoying thing is that the person that beat met to the registration and bought the domain name has never used it. What a waste! If you search for a domain name and it is still available, simply check out the availability above and fill out the domain name registration form..
As well as and .com, you can also register names that end in .net or .org. Originally; these endings were reserved for computer networks and nonprofit organisations, respectively. Although that is still their primary purpose, many companies are now registering the same domain names in .com, .net, and .org to fully protect their corporate identities. Domain name registration is so inexpensive now, it worth spending a few more pounds to ensure nobody can trade on the back of your domain name, should it become successful. Companies whose domain names are not available ending in .uk or .com are turning to the .net and .org suffixes rather than get a domain that doesn't match their name. This can be a way of losing custom, however, as most surfers in the UK will try .com or, before looking or .org. Other domain name extensions, like .info or .tv, do not tend to relate well to the search engine spiders and are best avoided if you want to be found easily on the search engines.
Related information: Domain Name Tips and Advice
Long Domain Names v shorter Domain Names
Many people register longer domain names in order to incorporate multiple keywords into the name. Including your best keywords in the domain name can boost your rankings on some search engines, but others frown on long domain names and see it as spamming. For example: may seem like a great name to get keywords into your domain name, but registering a domain name of this sort would certainly be seen as spam by several of the top engines and should be avoided at al l costs.
If you would like to register a domain name or just check to see what is available, please feel free to use the above link and complete the domain name registration form.